Excellent article: Kleros and Social Choice Theory: Research Paths for the Future
In Kleros, jurors want to vote in the way that maximizes their economic return. Hence, based on the idea of Schelling points, jurors want to vote with the consensus in order to earn arbitration fees and not lose their stakes. While, jurors as they hold PNK, might have a general desire that Kleros produces honest outcomes so that the system remains credible and PNK does not lose value, we expect this motivation to be secondary as jurors decide to vote on any given case.
The final sentence:
…but we will continue to research these questions.
(no definitive conclusions)
And the related blog post: Philosophical discussion about "code is the law" VS best interest of the justice and humanity? - #2 by marsrobertson
(so many philosophical, ethical, economical rationales)