Bounty discussion - rewards for removing tokens?

There were incentives to submit stuff:

There are no incentives to remove stuff.

After the bounty period is over, there will be no incentives to submit, unless someone is actively using the stuff. I think there are some real-life use cases:

  • Ethfinex
  • Uniswap

Do you think there should be incentives to remove stuff?

Or is it up to PNK holders who want portrait strong and stable image of Kleros to figure it out?


What if we were to notify projects about their token listing, propose them to review their own listing and to remove their token if listing is not correct anylonger according to them?

That seems like a process that would require loads of work… Who would do it if there are no incentives?

One additional reason to incentivize removals - more cases in the court, which is always good.

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Removal was not part of the bounties to keep it simple. But you have a good point. We should also include removal in new bounty programs.


We can expand the scope of current bounty for removals, can’t we?