This post explains the parameter meanings of both “Jump” and “Alpha” for proposals in the Votes section of the forum.
Parent court: The parent court of this court. Jurors staking in this court must also stake in the parent one. Disputes which “jump” go to the parent court.
Juror fee: The arbitration fees which are paid to jurors. If some jurors are considered ‘incoherent’, their arbitration fee is split between the other jurors.
Jurors for jump: The minimum number of jurors after which an appeal “jump” to the parent court. This is the minimum number before the appeal, not after.
(ex: JurorsForJump=100, there are currently 80 jurors, the first appeal does not lead to a jump, but on the second there are 161 jurors before the appeal so it leads to a jump).
Minimum Stake: The minimum amount of PNK required to stake into this court.
Alpha: The amount of tokens which are redistributed from incoherent jurors expressed in proportion of “Minimum Stake”. For example if minimum stake is 10 000 PNK and alpha is 30%, 3 000 is redistributed from each incoherent juror.
Well 255 in the general court would be 51 ETH of arbitration fees which seems high but reasonable.
Most people would stop appealing way before going there but it’s important for it to be high to defend against bribing attacks.
It would be nice to find this part in the Kleros documentation (in the court section for example: Court - Kleros), especially for those who are not familiar with Kleros.
Another point, the name of the alpha variable is wrong because it’s generic and not explicit. Something like partOfLoseStake seems better.