KIP-69 Parameter Updates (April 2024)

I propose to update the parameters in the mainnet following courts:

General Court

Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 8100.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 13000.0 PNK

Token Listing

Blockchain->Non-Technical->Token Listing

Proposed juror fee : 0.062 ETH
Proposed minstake : 36000.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.037 ETH
Proposed minstake : 22000.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.01 ETH
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 PNK
Proposed alpha : 0.81

Corte General en EspaƱol

Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 5900.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 10000.0 PNK

Furthermore, I propose to update the parameters in the following Gnosis Chain courts:

xDai General Court

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 2100.0 stPNK
Proposed alpha : 1

xDai Curation

Proposed juror fee : 6.6 xDai
Proposed minstake : 2100.0 stPNK
Proposed alpha : 0.25

English Language

Proposed juror fee : 20.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Spanish-English Translation

English Language->Spanish-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.6 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

French-English Translation

English Language->French-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.6 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Portuguese-English Translation

English Language->Portuguese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.6 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

German-English Translation

English Language->German-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 11.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Russian-English Translation

English Language->Russian-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 11.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Korean-English Translation

English Language->Korean-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Japanese-English Translation

English Language->Japanese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Turkish-English Translation

English Language->Turkish-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Chinese-English Translation

English Language->Chinese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3700.0 stPNK

Corte General en EspaƱol

Proposed minstake : 4100.0 stPNK
Proposed alpha : 0.5

Corte de CuraciĆ³n en EspaƱol

Corte General en EspaƱol->Corte de CuraciĆ³n en EspaƱol

Proposed minstake : 4100.0 stPNK
Proposed alpha : 0.13

Blockchain No TĆ©cnica

Corte General en EspaƱol->Blockchain No TƩcnica

Proposed minstake : 4100.0 stPNK
Proposed alpha : 0.41


This is mostly motivated by recent changes in crypto-prices. See the following doc: Parameters - April 2024 - Google Docs for more information on the process used to determine the parameter values proposed. Specifically, that doc includes links to the Google colab calculator used to generate (most of) the parameters and information on the inputs to that calculator which includes some data from live courts as well as some heuristics.

A few points are of particular note -

  • The calculation of the Humanity Court minstake deviates from what the calculator produces, following the logic described in KIP-59. (Essentially due to the very high rates of ā€œrejectā€ winning in this court, the minstake produced by the calculator in its efforts to disincentivize strategies based on always voting ā€œrejectā€ forces jurors to take on unacceptably high risk, even though jurors lose their deposits in this court very infrequently.) The proposed values essentially attempt to find a compromise on making this court acceptably resistant to automated voting strategies while still having an acceptable risk-return ratio for jurors. Feedback from jurors in that court on whether these values seem appropriate is welcome.

  • The calculator takes estimates of the range of gas prices that jurors need to pay to vote on mainnet. These proposed values are based on jurors being appropriately incentivized for gas prices up to 60 gwei, and coherent jurors receive a reward that is at least equal to the gas they paid in extreme gas environments up to 120 gwei.


This proposal has been put to vote.


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The transactions have been executed through the governor.


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