Sure. Face to face. Humans evolved in communities, our neural nets are wired to recognise faces… I don’t think we ever met IRL 
I like public forum - more inclusive, public, transparent, open-source - but I’m also aware that our discussion went into distant tangents and nuanced point.
My core intention is to simplify
The moment we start talking about “metahash” I become confused as it is non-obvious.
Current state of my thinking
1st parameter is the URI of the evidence, this can be any protocol:
There are no limits, but if you use something “too crazy” the front-end may not know how to interpret it.
2nd parameter can be called metadata
(or info / details / context / extra / data / blob / params)
It can be either the on-chain JSON key-value data structure or, in case it grows too large and gas cost is the concern - it can be a JSON file uploaded to IPFS, or any other service
My personal preference is towards IPFS because it is well-established, well-adopted standard.
Someone could in theory submit https://
evidence and then https://
metadata but it would be counterproductive, confusing, potentially misleading. I don’t want to stop such behaviour, if someone wants to do weird stuff - it’s their own conscious strategy, they may have some genuine reasons to do it.
I think that complexity of:
- plain text JSON available on-chain
- plain text JSON as IPFS file
Is relatively simple, it is much simpler that existing evidence standard
Nice to have / good to know
Maybe someone has time / energy / willingness to run the analysis of all the existing cases and all the existing evidence.
That would be a valuable data point to see what is used in real-life. In that way we could see what are the common patterns and which parts of the existing standard are ignored.
Suggested fields for metadata
- Format (to quickly display on the front-end whether it is PDF of image)
- Date (sometimes creation date is not equal to publish date)
- Hash
- Hashing algorithm (optional, we can just stick to default hashing function)
3rd party services
I happen to own two domains:
It is possible to build some standard around it as well, and integrate with other archiving services
Not just for Kleros but for justice in real-life, loads of legal dudes are still sending .doc Word files that are surely not altered in the process LOL.
Tangent warning
“statement of truth” VS “statement under oath”
Submitting fake / fradulent / misleading evidence in real life can be seen as Perverting the course of justice - Wikipedia
In the UK legal system it is up to a lifetime in prison. In Kleros courts you create an anon account and can cause confusion / chaos… As a part of metadata there could be yet another field:
- Oath - me recording 10 seconds video saying “truth, all the truth, nothing but the truth”
Diversity as competetive advantage
Kindly welcoming other points of view