KIP-45 Parameter Updates (October 2021)

I propose to update the parameters in the following courts. These proposals were generated with this calculator.

The input to the calculator adjusts for current prices of ETH and PNK, as well as to current gas prices. Specifically, the calculator attempts to make sure that jurors are properly incentivized as long as they can reliably cast a vote at a gas price of <= 100 gwei. Moreover, it is further constrained so that even in particularly severe gas environments up to 175 gwei, an average coherent juror vote should receive a reward that at least covers the gas. Most of the estimations for required juror effort, rates of coherence, etc have remained the same since the previous update with the exception of the Humanity court where rates of coherence have been updated to the historical data that is now available.

General Court

Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 1200.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 2800.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 4300.0 PNK

Token Listing

Blockchain->Non-Technical->Token Listing

Proposed juror fee : 0.07 ETH
Proposed minstake : 10000.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.072 ETH
Proposed minstake : 13000.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.015 ETH
Proposed minstake : 1200.0 PNK
Proposed alpha : 0.95


Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 4600.0 PNK

Data Analysis

Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 3800.0 PNK

Statistical Modeling

Data Analysis->Statistical Modeling

Proposed juror fee : 0.031 ETH
Proposed minstake : 4700.0 PNK

Curation (Medium)

Curation->Curation (Medium)

Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 4600.0 PNK
Proposed alpha : 0.41

Corte General en Español

Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 1900.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.025 ETH
Proposed minstake : 8700.0 PNK

Furthermore, I propose to update the following arbitrable application parameters:

Kleros Governor submissionBaseDeposit : 4.1 ETH

T2CR requestorBaseDeposit : 0.11 ETH

ERC20 badge requestorBaseDeposit : 2.8 ETH

Note that this is essentially an updated version of this previous proposal in KIP-43, whose values are somewhat out-of-date at this point, but which I can no longer edit directly. Note that compared to the previous proposal, the parameters for the translation courts are no longer included in the update, as it is intended for Linguo to make use of the xDAI courts instead, pending their creation by KIP-44. (Note that KIP-44 was made more recently than KIP-43, and furthermore there are fewer external values that change due to the stability of xDAI and xDAI gas costs, so the parameters proposed in KIP-44 are still up-to-date.)

Also, by the same logic that it is no longer a priority to keep the mainnet translation court parameters up-to-date as Linguo cases are planned to transition to the xDAI courts, I further propose to cancel KIP-39 which has not yet been executed. Thus, jurorsForCourtJump parameters in the mainnet translation courts would remain 128. (On the other hand, note that the KIP-39 values were incorporated into the parameter proposals for the xDAI courts in KIP-44.)

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The proposal has been put to vote.