KIP-49 Parameter Updates (June 2022)

I propose to update the parameters in a number of courts.


These parameters were generated with the following calculators:

Calculator Mainnet

Calculator Gnosis Chain

using the following set of estimations and assumptions about required juror effort, etc:


Most of these changes are just updating for changes in crypto-prices and gas; in particular the calculator attempts to make sure that jurors will be properly incentivized as long as they can reliably cast a vote at a gas price of <= 65 gwei, and that even in severe gas environments of up to 120 gwei, an average coherent juror should receive a reward that at least covers the gas.

However, I also propose to reduce the jurorsForCourtJump in the Technical court from 63 to 31. With the current pool of stakers in this court, the extra appeal round that one has with 63 jurors versus 31 is unlikely to significantly change the composition of the jurors drawn. If this proposal is adopted, the new jurorsForCourtJump would be in line with courts such as Non-technical and Humanity that have comparable activity. If this is particularly controversial, we can potentially split this off into a different proposal.

Then on Ethereum mainnet, I propose:

General Court

Proposed juror fee : 0.017 ETH
Proposed minstake : 1500.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.02 ETH
Proposed minstake : 3900.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.017 ETH
Proposed minstake : 5200.0 PNK



Proposed juror fee : 0.058 ETH
Proposed minstake : 16000.0 PNK
Proposed jurorsForCourtJump: 31


Proposed juror fee : 0.01 ETH
Proposed minstake : 1500.0 PNK

Corte General en Español

Proposed juror fee : 0.017 ETH
Proposed minstake : 2400.0 PNK


Proposed juror fee : 0.017 ETH
Proposed minstake : 6700.0 PNK

Furthermore, I propose to update the parameters in the following Gnosis chain courts:

xDai General Court

Proposed juror fee : 14.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 1000.0 PNK
Proposed alpha : 1

xDai Curation

Proposed juror fee : 6.6 xDai
Proposed minstake : 1000.0 PNK
Proposed alpha : 0.5

English Language

Proposed juror fee : 20.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Spanish-English Translation

English Language->Spanish-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.5 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

French-English Translation

English Language->French-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.5 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Portuguese-English Translation

English Language->Portugese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 8.5 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

German-English Translation

English Language->German-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 11.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Russian-English Translation

English Language->Russian-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 11.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Korean-English Translation

English Language->Korean-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 13.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Japanese-English Translation

English Language->Japanese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 13.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Turkish-English Translation

English Language->Turkish-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 13.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK

Chinese-English Translation

English Language->Chinese-English Translation

Proposed juror fee : 13.0 xDai
Proposed minstake : 3600.0 PNK