PNK minting and 2nd token sale - postponing by approximately a month to do a proper marketing (outreach) campaign

Main thread: PNK minting and 2nd token sale


  • The sale will open on the 11th of January 2020 16:00 UTC and run for an initial period of one month.


  • The sale will open on the 15th of February 2020 16:00 UTC and run for an initial period of one month.
  • Existing token holders to have additional 24 hours prior to the start of the main sale

Not sure why 16:00 - seem like an arbitrary hour - I would suggest 00:00 or 24:00 or 12:00 or 18:00 because it works well with PST and other timezones. But it’s OK, 16:00 is OK too:


  1. Other proposals are yy to be voted.
  2. More fair for the crypto people on the internet.
  3. We have 10th December and still no official announcement.

1 month which is not Xmas and New Year I would say it’s OK. Because it’s Xmas and New Year I suggest to postpone.

Or maybe the postponement is not good - maybe there are some circumstances that scream “now now now”?

Main point remains - currently it is just the post of the forum and vote on Aragon, some conversations on Telegram but no announcement, therefore no promo, no marketing campaign.

And then again - maybe no marketing is good, we want only hardcore crypto nerds?

I still believe decent marketing strategy (outreach) can go a long way and improve our economy, just like the bounty with listing on exchanges: Bounty for getting PNK listed on exchanges

I’m not in favor of delaying, just because I feel like there is no need to do so right now. If the team ever indicates that they would need more time I’m open to vote on a possible delay then.

Discussion here:

A lot of voices AGAINST delay.

OK. No worries.

I just wanted ensure enough time for promo and marketing, that’s assuming bounty / affiliate / distribution curve is in place.

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