Posted to Telegram channel, for extra visibility posting on the forum too: See the ideas from the second batch. Loads of them are pretty good! Loads of them aged well! Here is the new batch, new content, new realisations, new ideas… 1. Kleros AI Chatbot...
This is related to: Launching the Kleros Fellowship - Second Edition
I have applied, I believe I am well positioned to take part in the fellowship, at the same time presenting mindset of abundance, collaboration not competition and I’m encouraging constructive direct feedback and discussion.
1 Like
May 20, 2019, 8:44am
Thanks for the extra posting kind sir.
Yes, it seems you have a very high understanding of Kleros and I would imagine you’re a great candidate for the fellowship.
Now we are in the third batch, some updated proposals ideas: See the ideas from the second batch. Loads of them are pretty good! Loads of them aged well! Here is the new batch, new content, new realisations, new ideas… 1. Kleros AI Chatbot...
For me Chainlink was always these crazy memes and fanatical community.
Someone asked me to integrated them in the project.
Super good tutorial:
Assumes 0 level of any knowledge.
It is so detailed, it even mentions sending transactions via Metamask.
Kleros should be so fool-proof too! - it’s decent, need more examples, more integration, more traction, more everything…