V2 - Decentralized job application - PNK token holders to decide

Good, insightful, valuable point :+1:

About the name of the thread
V2 - Decentralized job application - PNK token holders to decide

Direct the reference to the previous name:
Decentralized job application - PNK token holders to decide (link)

V2 because Kleros is launching a new version and because what I do is V2 of similar initiative.

I’m both PNK holder and Coop member - in both situations I would like to put matter to vote.

Now we add yet another entity. Coop. PNK holders. DAO?

It’s not a monthly / quarterly grant proposal. It is a reverse employment offer, an unconventional cover letter :arrow_right: being proactive, showing initiative.

Have you checked the Google Doc?

It has 8 pages and here is the first task…

Description of the image: 172 repositories, some repos with 53 issues, some issues with 13 subtasks… That surely needs some admin housekeeping.

Reason why I’m so good at this job:

  • knowledge of Kleros and Kleros products
  • pedantic attention to detail
  • ability to run the code, reproduce issue, fix if it is easy
  • general undertanding of technology and development practive

During this process I will surely discover many other issues that need prioritising.

I’m requesting a base salary that will cover my cost of living, that will remove worry about money, and some $PNK vested to align long-term incenties.

If money is an issue - I suggest another round of fundraising to attract the top talent: Pros and Cons of increased liquidity / additional round of sale? - #8 by marsrobertson